Latin for light in the darkness, Lux in Tenebris is a chance for you to begin the week in prayer, remembering that Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. Sunday, February 16, 7:00pm
How do you know that God exists? Is Jesus really God? Do we really need the Church? Do you know the answers? What would you say if a friend, a neighbor, or one of your kids asked you? If you're struggling to find the right words, don't feel bad - you're not alone. Join us for The Search, Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm, beginning October 2-November 13, as we look for the answers.
Lux in Tenebris, Latin for light in the darkness, is a chance to begin the week in prayer, remembering that Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. Sunday, September 15, 7:00pm
Join us Friday, October 11, for a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, WI, and the grave of Venerable Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli in Benton, WI.
Saints Mary & Mathias will once again be helping to sponsor a booth at the Muscatine County Fair. Volunteers are needed to staff the booth from 11:00am - 7:00pm (two-hour shifts) on Thursday, July 18. Volunteers will visit with fair-goers, hand out information about the parish, and distribute items such as rosaries and prayer cards. Volunteers will receive free admission to the fair. Contact Fr. Chris for more details. Click here to volunteer for a shift!
Calling all graduating seniors from the Class of 2024! If you would like to be included in a tribute video, please send a baby picture, a current picture, and brief description of future plans to Erin McLeod at [email protected] by May 6
Saints Mary & Mathias will be celebrating our Confirmation Mass at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, May 8. With 54 Candidates being Confirmed, we expect a full house. While all are welcome, please be respectful of space and allowing families of Confirmands seating in the church. We will livestream the Mass in Gannon Hall.
Saints Mary & Mathias will celebrate the Sacrament of First Communion the weekend of May 4/5 at all the Masses. Please join us in praying for and celebrating all our First Communicants!
Join us for a Eucharistic Holy Hour in observation of Divine Mercy Sunday on April 7 at 3:00 PM. We will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and there will be an opportunity to Venerate a First Class Relic of St. Faustina. A priest will also be available to hear Confessions.
We hope you and your family can make it to our New Member Welcome Event on Sunday, April 28 at 9:15 AM in Gannon Hall. It is a great way to meet other new parishioners, make new friends, and learn about some of the many ways you can get involved in your new parish. This event is designed for all those families who have joined Saints Mary & Mathias in the last year, but we invite all parishioners to attend and help everyone feel welcome!
The next Baptismal Prep Class is coming up on April 21st at 9:15 AM in Gannon Hall. If you are interested in preparing to have your child baptized, please call the Parish Office, 563-263-1416, to register.