We are so glad you're a part of our parish family! Saints Mary & Mathias is blessed with awesome people, and lots of great opportunities to get involved. We want to stay connected to you and make sure you have the information you need to stay plugged in. That's why we are changing the way we send messages about what's going on in the parish.
Introducing Flocknote
Flocknote is an email and text messaging tool created for churches, ministries, teams, and other community organizations. It helps us communicate with the people we care about. The Saints Mary & Mathias staff will be using Flocknote to keep parishioners informed as quickly possible.
How do you join Flocknote?
You can set up your notifications for either a text and/or e-mail will be sent to you whenever a notice goes out. Some ministries in the parish use email and some use text messaging. Therefore, it is useful to enter both your email address and cell number. The service is free for you. There are three easy ways to connect with us via Flocknote
1. Fill out the form below and click the "Sign Me Up!" button
2. Use text-to-join from your cellphone
3. Join from your PC
To join from your cellphone:
Text MARYMATHIAS to 84576. "MARYMATHIAS" is our text-to-join word.
You will receive a link on your smartphone directing you to the Saints Mary & Mathias Parish Flocknote page where you can join the groups you'd like to receive notes from (Religious Education, Family Life Commission, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters, and more!).
To join from your PC:
Go to https://marymathias.flocknote.com/ and set up an account.
After you log in you can set up both email and text notifications.
Choose from which groups you wish to receive notes.
Your online account will allow you to easily change your notification or unsubscribe at any time.
Sign-up with Flocknote to keep up to date with the latest parish news!
Due to the impending snow storm, the parish office will be closed and all parish activites (including 12:10pm Mass and evening rehearsals and meetings) are canceled for Wednesday, February 12.
Saturday evening Mass (12/14) will be offered as scheduled. Our staff is working hard to clear the parking lot and sidewalks, but they will still be slippery. Please use extreme caution should you...
As we enter into the Advent season and our preparations for Christmas, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am to serve as pastor here at Saints Mary & Mathias. This is truly a...