How does somebody become a Catholic?A lot of Catholics are Catholic because their family is Catholic. We were born to Catholic parents, baptized as babies, and brought up “in the Church.” But what about the person who was raised in a different Christian tradition (e.g. Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc…), or someone who wasn’t raised in the faith at all? What about the person who was baptized as a baby, but, for whatever reason, missed a Sacrament or two along the way (like First Holy Communion or Confirmation)? Becoming Catholic means more than just registering to belong to a parish. We want to invite people into a journey of faith that is about getting to know Jesus Christ and learning about the Church that he founded. It’s a journey of discovery, a journey of conversion. Ultimately, it’s a journey towards discipleship! This journey of becoming Catholic has been known for a long time as the RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Here at Saints Mary & Mathias our goal is to help everyone from the life-long Catholic all the way to the most skeptical of seekers, grow in a relationship with Jesus and their understanding of the Catholic faith. If you or someone you know might be interested in becoming Catholic, we would love to connect! Please talk to Fr. Chris, Fr. Isaac, or Dcn. Dennis, or call the parish office (263-1416).